Human beings are walking ecosystems, and you might be amazed to know just how beneficial some of the organisms your body plays host to can be. Maintaining a good balance within your body requires a healthy biome in which “good” bacteria can flourish. The most obvious consequences of an imbalance in your gut flora are digestive, but many experts believe that gut and digestive health has a knock-on effect on your overall well being, immunity, skin and longevity. Interesting fact: more than 70 percent of the cells that function to boost your immunity are found in the gastrointestinal tract, so improving your gut health could benefit far more than just your digestion. Mushroom Supplements for Gut and Digestive Health Once you recognise the importance of gut and digestive health, you may begin wondering how to improve it which, in turn, leads to the question: “Why are mushrooms good for gut and digestive health?” It’s generally accepted that they can be a big help since the nutrients in certain types of mushrooms act as prebiotics. There are many different types of functional mushrooms, so it makes sense to target the best mushrooms for gut health when your goal is helping your body build a healthy balance of the right flora. While almost any type of functional mushroom will have some benefits in this context, Chaga mushrooms are widely believed to be the best prebiotic species of mushroom. Unlike probiotics which contain beneficial microbes, prebiotics stimulate the growth of beneficial intestinal flora - an important factor in a world where our gut microbiota are often disturbed by things like processed foods and medications. Beyond this, some people believe that Chaga can actually fight “bad” microorganisms in the gut while also reducing inflammation. Chaga is rich in polysaccharides such as chitin, hemicellulose, beta, and alpha glucans, and galactans that act as prebiotics as they inhibit the proliferation of endogenous pathogens (1). How to Use Chaga Mushrooms for Gut Health You can get your daily serving of Chaga very easily. Grass & Co’s BIOME Mushrooms capsules not only contain Chaga mushrooms, they also have added adaptogens and vitamins. Adaptogens are herbal ingredients that are believed to help our bodies to maintain a healthy natural balance. Turmeric and Ginger have long been used to soothe and aid the digestive system and make excellent companions for Chaga. Did you know that Vitamin D also has a role to play in gut health? Functional mushrooms already contain some level of this vital antioxidant, and Grass & Co. has supplemented its Chaga capsules with extra Vitamin D to support good gut health and digestion. It’s a gentle, natural way to nourish your body so that it’s better able to take care of itself. Top Tips to Boost Chaga’s Effect on Gut Health Western diets are rather limited in their scope and are inclined to contain too much sugar and fat and too little fibre and nutrients. Experts recommend that you eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet. Get your five a day and vary the fresh foods that you use to benefit your digestive system. The benefits associated with eating a good variety of naturally healthy foods can promote gut health are clear. Nevertheless, it’s interesting to know that in tribal communities that eat a rich variety of fresh, natural foods, gut health is generally better than it is in the west. So, while you’re working to improve your internal biome, try to limit or exclude processed foods that include additives like preservatives and emulsifying agents. They’re believed to have a very negative effect on gut health and will limit all your good work. While you’re improving the environment your gut flora live in, you might want to add to your population of good bacteria too by including fermented foods in your diet. They’re a great way to introduce extra beneficial bacteria to your gut. Yoghurt is an easy option, but you might like to add other fermented delicacies like sauerkraut, tempeh, or kimchi to your list. Remember to fight stress. Get healthy exercise, take time to meditate and do things you enjoy. Spend quality time with friends and family. Laugh. Healthy habits include having fun and relaxing! Take Your Time! Finally, it’s important to note that rebuilding compromised gut health takes time. Remember, you’re trying to influence an extensive microbiome over the long term. It can take as long as six months to rebalance gut flora. But, with the right habits, our tips and tricks, and BIOME Chaga Mushrooms capsules to help you along, we hope you’ll get results much sooner. Before making any significant changes to your diet, we always advise that you speak with your GP or HCP, particularly if you have existing health conditions. Grass & Co. and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. The information and products presented on this site are not intended for medical use nor do they make any medical claims. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programmes. (1) Jayachandran, M., Xiao, J., & Xu, B. (2017). A Critical Review on Health Promoting Benefits of Edible Mushrooms through Gut Microbiota. International journal of molecular sciences, 18(9), 1934. Scientific review of medicinal properties of various mushroom strains including chaga and what recent studies have proven in terms of its benefits for human health. More about functional mushrooms