The popularity of CBD Oil has increased significantly over the past few years as more people have become aware of its naturally-soothing qualities. Being used in everything from Consumable Oils and Chocolate to relaxing Balms and Body Oils, CBD Oil can help gently soothe pain, stress, anxiety, and insomnia. Perhaps lesser-known, however, is that there are a number of different types of CBD Oil, with Narrow-Spectrum CBD and Full-Spectrum CBD being two of the most popular. In this post, we look at the differences between them and what benefits they offer. Isolate /Narrow-Spectrum vs. Full Spectrum Although both are extracts of the hemp plant, CBD Isolate / Narrow-Spectrum and Full-Spectrum CBD contain different compounds. Full-Spectrum CBD Oil contains all naturally-occurring compounds of the hemp plant, including cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids. Whilst Full-Spectrum contains varying levels of CBD, it also contains traces of THC – the psychoactive component often associated with marijuana. The inclusion of THC in Full-Spectrum CBD Oil means that it’s not suitable for those who have to undergo regular drug tests. CBD Isolate/Narrow-Spectrum, on the other hand, contains negligible levels of THC and high levels of pure, refined CBD. This means that it’s entirely legal to use and can be easily integrated into a daily wellness routine. CBD Isolate / Narrow-Spectrum can be taken as a sublingual tincture at regular points throughout the day, or rubbed into aching muscles after exercise. Either way, it has been shown to help provide a sense of relaxation and clarity in times of uncertainty and high-stress. CBD Isolate Benefits – Flavour over Full-Spectrum One of the main benefits of CBD Isolate Narrow-Spectrum over Full-Spectrum is that it has a more delicate flavour. This is because flavonoids and terpenes contained in the latter can often create an unpleasant bitter taste. Without these compounds, CBD Isolate / Narrow-Spectrum can be combined easily with choice botanicals to create a much more delicious blend. And this is precisely what we’ve done here at Grass and Co. Our CBD Oils are extracted from Europe’s finest hemp plants, and expertly mixed with specially selected botanicals and vitamins that deliver health benefits. The end result is a range of delightfully-tasting CBD Oils that are a joy to take as part of your daily self-care routine. If you’d like to experience the benefits of CBD Isolate Oil, take a look at Grass and Co’s full product list here. We offer the highest quality CBD Consumable Oils and CBD Balms and Body Oils, as well as a range of Bath Salts, Aromatherapy Candles, and Pillow Sprays, all made using a complementary blend of botanical ingredients. Grass & Co. and its materials are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. The information and products presented on this site are not intended for medical use nor do they make any medical claims. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health related programme. Read more about CBD.